Marcus Brownlow

Curriculum vitae

Marcus Brownlow, visual artist, photographs and are data

Table of Contents


2022 M. Litt. in Fine Art Practice (with Distinction). The Glasgow School of Art.

2013 Diploma of Photoimaging. The Centre for Creative Photography, Adelaide.

1997 Ph.D. The University of Adelaide.

1988 B.Sc. (Hons.) First Class. The University of Adelaide.


2024 RGB GLW, New Glasgow Society, Glasgow, Scotland.

2023 Colour, The Glasgow Gallery of Photography. Glasgow, Scotland.

2022 It's easier to breathe underground, Skopje, North Macedonia.

Strewn Taboos, The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, Scotland, curated by Clare Stephenson and Cicely Farrer.

2020 20x20 at Gallery, Sheffield, England.

2019 In Search of the Miraculous, INTERIORS TO BEING, Berlin, Germany, curated by April Gertler.

Großkreisentfernung Mail Art, tête, Berlin, Germany, curated by Marcus Brownlow.

2015 Time, Ballarat International Foto Biennale, Ballarat, Australia.

2014 Reunion, International PICTURE BERLIN Festival. Lehrter Siebzehn, Berlin, Germany.

Hidden Places Hidden Lives, Kerry Packer Civic Gallery, Adelaide, South Australia.

Film Challenge Atkins Technicolour, Adelaide, South Australia.

2012 It's not yesterday anymore, UFO Presents, Berlin, Germany, curated by Lotte Møller.

Before Berlin, LoBe gallery, Berlin, Germany, curated by Lotte Møller.

2011 GHOTI 13, The Light Gallery, Adelaide.

2007 GHOTI 9, The Light Gallery, Adelaide.


2024 RGB GLW Self-published. Glasgow, Scotland.

RGB GLW Artist Editions (x20) Self-published. Glasgow, Scotland.

2022 Strewn Taboos Self-published. Glasgow, Scotland.

2019 Großkreisentfernung Mail Art Self-published. Berlin, Germany.

2014 Hidden Places Hidden Lives Seniors Information Service. Adelaide, South Australia.

2014 It's not yesterday anymore PICTURE BERLIN, Berlin, Germany.


2013-17 Guest Assessor, The Centre for Creative Photography, Adelaide.


2012 PICTURE BERLIN, Berlin, Germany.